Will you be SURFing during your summer vacation? With the Surcharge Free ATM network offered by the Lisbon Credit Union,along with other participating Maine Credit Unions, you can withdraw money from your accounts with us at an ATM from York to Fort Kent, and a lot of places in between! It’s one of the many convenient benefits of your Membership with the Credit Union, and it’s what makes credit unions different from banks.
Shared Branching offers even more convenience. At participating credit unions, you can perform many of the transactions you would normally do at your Credit Union. Surfing or swimming in Wells? Camping in Farmington? Sailing in Rockland? There’s a shared branching credit union in all of these locations, and many more! Shared Branching even reaches beyond our state border and covers you coast to coast. Visit co-opsharedbranch.org to find a location
wherever you may be traveling this summer.